Death draws closer to its victim. It strikes with an icy blow. It claims its fifth victim. Its smell lingers in the air. As death moves on it can’t be stopped. For death is what keeps the circle of life in motion. Death likes its job for if it didn’t it would not be called death.
The Fire One day as I (Sam) was walking. Wait let me introduce myself. My name is as you know is Sam. I am an eleven year old boy. I have four fish, two birds, three cats, and an iguana. They all get along fine. Now back to the story. So as I was saying I was walking down the street and got my bike (which is old but fast.) then I went speeding down the street and saw smoke, at first it was very little then as I got closer I saw more and more(whew how much more of this can I do) smoke. Soon enough I saw fire everywhere I was coming from a bunch of trees that were on fire and boy do I mean a bunch. I’d say have of a Hy-Vee parking lot. That is a lot of trees trust me. There were ten fire trucks, five ambulances, and fifteen police cars for a total of thirty vehicles altogether and 105 men and women trying to (1) put out the fire (2) get the people out safely (3) keep bystanders out of the way or get the people that were in the building to safety and (4) help the wounded. All of a sud...
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